notas musicais avulsas #20

Os discos: para além de novidades acerca da estreia dos Pelican na Southern Lord, há também mais dois lançamentos previstos para breve. Eis o que a banda tem a dizer:
«Our new EP Ephemeral is slated for release on June 6th through Southern Lord. We are doing everything in our power to have advance copies in time for the tour. While Southern Lord is handling the vinyl and mp3 side of the release, the CD version will be self-released by Trevor's own Migration Media label. We're pressing up 1000 copies, all of which will be packaged in custom designed and printed sleeves by our buddies Delicious Design League, the folks responsible for the screenprinted Australasia limited edition that came out, among a million other things they've done for us. The CD will only be available from us on tour for the time being. There will be a special edition of 50 for our Japan show as well, which I forgot to mention.
Also be on the lookout for a split 7" with our buddies Young Widows on Temporary Residence, which we'll hopefully get copies of during the course of the tour as well. One new song from each band. We're also still waiting on the Champions of Sound 2x7" on Hydra Head which features exclusive tracks by us, Kayo Dot, Zozobra, and Stove Bredsky.»

O vídeo: há um novo videoclipe para os The Bronx. Intitula-se "Knifeman", é o segundo single a ser retirado de "III" e tem o seguinte aspecto:

As canções: amostrinhas grátis das novíssimas "While We Were Dreaming", de Pink Mountaintops, e "Don't Talk in Your Sleep", dos Magik Markers, aqui e aqui, respectivamente.