ms. oaktree em êxtase-histeria-é-a-pupa-da-loucura!

A Wikipedia explica todo este rebuliço com o título:
The album is named after drummer Arlen Thompson's sound studio, Mount Zoomer, which apparently is "a B.C. euphemism for magic mushrooms and a nod to Montreal band, A Silver Mount Zion." The LP was originally meant to be entitled Kissing the Beehive; however, due to possible copyright infringements in relation to Jonathan Carroll's 1997 novel of the same name, the album's title was changed. Spencer Krug said they "didn't know that was the title of a book... We might have to change it, but we might not. And we'll have to make it clear that it's not [named] after his book. It's a complicated situation." It had also been reported earlier by Blender Magazine that the record was entitled Pardon My Blues; however, on April 28, Sub Pop Records officially announced that the album's name will be At Mount Zoomer.
Quanto a mim, que acabo de terminar a primeira de muitas audições do leak do dito, gostaria de declarar: disco do ano! Venha o que vier, e o ano ainda nem sequer vai a meio, não quero saber! É disco do ano!
Se estão à espera de um "Apologies to the Queen Mary Pt. 2", podem ir tirando o cavalinho da chuva... E mais não digo, para não estragar a surpresa!
Mais informações, lista de faixas, pormenores técnicos e afins aqui.
Se perguntarem, não souberam isto por mim, mas queiram ter a bondade de se dirigir ao Sordo... Mais uma vez, bem-hajas caríssimo Tiago!